Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lord, Dont Make Me Do This!

When I set up this blog I thought I would sharing about the joys of Motherhood. A day in a life so to speak. I had no idea that I would be blogging about Compassion. My family seems to think that I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. That I don't have 'deep' thoughts.  I don't take offense to it (most times) but I think I may just have to show them a different side of Mama.
OK, so today isn't about my kids, their adventures or how my husband kept me up all night from his snoring (Thanks Babe). My blog today is actually about something that I think we all have lost quite a bit of and that is Compassion.
Where did it go? What did we do with it? I checked behind the dryer, the door and under the rug and sadly, it was nowhere to be found.  Granted, we probably use Compassion everyday with our children, our spouse or our close friends but honestly, when have you used your sense of Compassion for someone that isn't in your little 'Bubble' of a world?
I recently got myself into a situation that I wish I hadn't. Even though I prayed. I asked for the Lord to guide me, I was really hoping He would hollar down and say "NO LYNN, PUT ON THE BRAKES! DON'T GO IN!" Not only did He not Holl-Ah, He let me go in with my heart open and my Compassion blazing. I'm the first to admit that I think with my heart and then sit back and analyze the mess I have created due to it but this time, I made sure that my good friend, God, was right there with me.
I am not going to go into the details of the situation but I can say that it was a something where the only obvious thing that would help was Compassion. I gave it freely. I gave it without question. I asked for nothing in return and I think it was received as openly as it was given. I also believe that there was a bit of hesistance in the beginning and that is what I found sad.  At least for me it was.
I think the hesistance is a sign of the state of the world today. The extension of a helping hand has become so oblivious today that when someone does show any type of Compassion, we expect that we are going to have to pay for it in the end. I want to say that it isn't our fault but who do we blame? Where are we in the world today when a good deed is not accepted as just that, someone showing love for their fellow man.
I truly believe that the Lord brought this situation to me for a reason. He knew that I needed a reawakening in my heart. That I needed to see that I had lost some of my Compassion for His children. He wanted me to give back some of what He had given me on that cross so many years ago.
Extend your hand, better yet, extend your heart to someone you don't know. Someone that may have been in your life at one point or someone that you know of that needs a shoulder to cry on. Ask the Lord to walk you through. I am sure in the end, you and the one you have given Compassion to, will be better for it.

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